Srdjan Milenkovic has received BSc and MSc degree in 1986. and 1990, respectively, both from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, Yugoslavia. Ever since getting BSc degree, he has been engaged as research and teaching assistant at the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis. This is his present position. At the same time, he has been working at the research projects supported by the National Science Foundation of Serbia and other institutions.
Following the graduation, he was working on Computer Graphics. Hence, he developed few software packages for image conversion and he added graphics postprocessing modules to the electronic circuits simulation packages developed in CAD Laboratory.
His research activities started immediately after graduation by his attendance to the Electronic Circuits Computer Aided Design Laboratory. His occupation was custom integrated circuits layout design. He developed a software package for automatic cell placement in Gate Arrays. This problem and its solution are also the topic of his Master thesis.
After getting MSc degree, he started the research in the statistical optimization methods, such as simulated annealing, genetic and evolution algorithms. Some interesting results have been already achieved.
Currently, he is interested in artificial neural networks and their applications to a variety of problems. Software package for learning and running Backpropagation like feedforward neural network was developed. Also, a learning method in second-order neural networks based on simulated annealing is under development.
He is interested also in X and networking applications development. It is worth to mention packages "GCOS-LAN adapter", "UNIQUE: multipurpose Communication Server" and "DIP: Dial Up Access Server" developed recently in this area. He is engaged in UNIX installation and administration, especially for SCO, Linux, 4.2BSD, HP-UX and IRIX variants.
He is a member of IEEE, SNTI and supervisor of "Academic Computer Network of Yugoslavia" for the domain
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